Ayuda arduino con proyecto

Buenos días

Estoy intentando hacer un proyecto que consiste en un marcador con 2 displays de 7 segmentos a través de 2 sensores ultrasonido

Buscando y buscando me he encontrado con este código que adjunto, que cubre el 70% de mis objetivos

Mi pregunta es

  1. se puede cambiar el sensor por ultrasonido. Que debería cambiar tanto en programación como en conexión
  2. se puede cambiar el display por 2 display de 1 dígito de 7 segmentos . Que debería cambiar tanto en programación como en conexión
  3. se podría incorporar 2 tiras de led rgb con 4 pines. . Si es si donde se conectarían con arduino
  4. se podría incorporar sonido con archivo avi o wav

Gracias por adelantado


Code for automatic table soccer counter. By teacher Morgenthaler and student Leo at Swiss school www.oszt.ch



// 3 lines importing libraries for the Adafruit display

#include <Wire.h>

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>

#include "Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h"


// Initailizing the 7-segment display

Adafruit_7segment matrix = Adafruit_7segment();


// Defining varialbes for the two goals

int Rot;

int Blau;


// Defining Arduino's board-LED. For controlling purpose only during coding

#define LEDPIN 13

// Defining the two pins the data connections of the breakbeam sensors

#define SENSORPIN 4

#define SENSORPIN2 2

// Defining the pin for the back to zero button

#define SENSORPIN3 7

// Initalizing and defining states for the breakbeam sensors and the back to zero button

int sensorState = 0, lastState=0;

int sensorState2 = 0, lastState2=0;

int sensorState3 = 0, lastState3=0;

void setup() {

// Initializing Arduino's board LED for output



// Initializing pin for input from breakbeam sensor


// Activating the pullup resistor for this pin to make the two sensor states clear for Arduino

digitalWrite(SENSORPIN, HIGH);


// Same for other breakbeam sensor


digitalWrite(SENSORPIN2, HIGH);


// Same for back to zero button


digitalWrite(SENSORPIN3, HIGH);


// Start value for goals

Rot = 0;

Blau = 0;


//Define address for display




void loop(){

// Next 3 lines: Read and save states of the 2 sensors and the back to zero button

sensorState = digitalRead(SENSORPIN);

sensorState2 = digitalRead(SENSORPIN2);

sensorState3 = digitalRead(SENSORPIN3);


// The following lines are for displaying the the goal values on the display.

// This if argument prevents from displaying a zero with numbers under 10

if(Rot / 10)

// Display position 0 will show the first position of goal variable Rot

matrix.writeDigitNum(0, (Rot / 10) );

// Display position 1 will show the second position of goal variable Rot

matrix.writeDigitNum(1, Rot % 10 );

// A colon will be displayed between the two varialbes



// This if argument prevents from displaying a zero for other variable

if(Blau / 10)

// Display position 3 will show the first position of goal variable Blau

matrix.writeDigitNum(3, (Blau / 10) );


// Display position 4 will show the second position of goal variable Blau

matrix.writeDigitNum(4, Blau % 10 );

// Display everyting above



// 3 if-else arguments following for the two breakbeam sensors and the back to zero button

// If sensor light beam is broken, system reads status low and turns the control LED on

if (sensorState == LOW) {

digitalWrite(LEDPIN, HIGH);


// otherwise no power for the control LED

else {

digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);



// If SensorState does not differ from lastState...

// (The "!" reverses the signal state to function correclty.

// Without it, the goal values constantly increase when light beams ar UNbroken)

if (sensorState && !lastState) {


// ...The message Unbroken would be displayed on Arduino's serial monitor

Serial.println("1 Unbroken");



// If it differs, "Broken" would be displayed and the goal variable Red is increased.

if (!sensorState && lastState) {

Serial.println("1 Broken");

Rot = Rot + 1;



// Same for other breakbeam sensor

if (sensorState2 && !lastState2) {

Serial.println("2 Unbroken");


if (!sensorState2 && lastState2) {

Serial.println("2 Broken");

Blau = Blau + 1;


// Check status of back to zero button

if (sensorState3 && !lastState3) {


// If pressed, the serial display would show "reset" and both goal variables are reset to zero.

if (!sensorState3 && lastState3) {


Blau = 0;

Rot = 0;

// Clears everything displayed on LED



// Save the last sensor states

lastState = sensorState;

lastState2 = sensorState2;

lastState3 = sensorState3;


// End of programm. Restart void loop

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