BuddySuite: proyecto open-source para análisis genómico y evolutivo

Y sin ánimo de ponerme muy pesado dejo otra herramienta por aquí, open-source y hecha en Python 3, para el análisis de secuencias genómica, proteómicas, alineamientos, análisis filogenéticos… Todo el maletín de herramientas del bioinformático, vaya. Quien tenga interés en estos temas seguro que puede trastearlo y aprender mucho.

Dear Evolution Community,

I am pleased to announce the release of BuddySuite, an open-source
project for the manipulation and analysis of sequence, alignment,
and phylogenetic tree data on the command line. These cross-platform,
general-purpose, toolkits are implemented in Python and will streamline
your day-to-day interactions with common file types (e.g., FASTA, GenBank,
NEXUS, PHYLIP, Newick, and more).

Features include automatic detection and processing of records in any
supported format, the ability to pipe data freely among the BuddySuite
programs (and any other command-line program that reads/writes stdout),
file format-agnostic wrapping of popular alignment and phylogenetic
inference software, and sophisticated handling of feature annotations
in rich formats like GenBank.

Over 100 tools have been written to date and each tool is fully documented
in wiki format (https://github.com/biologyguy/BuddySuite/wiki), complete
with usage examples and a detailed explanation of all arguments.

Installation is easy with pip:
$ pip install buddysuite
$ buddysuite -setup

Alternatively, the GitHub repository can be cloned from

If you run into any issues with installation or general usage, I would
truly value the feedback.

Kind regards,

Steve Bond
Visiting Fellow
Computational and Statistical Genomics
National Human Genome Research Institute
National Institutes of Health

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